Feb 14, 2023 | Drive Failure Prediction
For data center CTOs and other such advanced users who have to monitor the health trends of hundreds of drives, an optimum solution is DA Portal. DA Portal is a web-based dashboard that uses ULINK DA Drive Analyzer for a single-window display of the health trends of...
Dec 20, 2022 | Automation
Let’s say Robert Anderson is the CTO at a data center called DatHumR that uses hundreds of drives. Recently, some drives crashed that resulted in outages and disruptions to services. It became a sore point for clients already pressurized by a slow economy. Robert...
Nov 23, 2022 | IT Storage Test Tools
Around 2008, the market for Solid State Device (SSD) development was emerging. After the success and industry-wide recognition of the ULINK DriveMaster testing platform, we developed a set of SSD Testing Packages for SSD vendors to test the quality and compliance of...